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Doodlesnips is dedicated to helping people find the stuff that will help them through these so-called 'tough' times. We offer you extremely valuable e-books that will show you the way to prosperity like: Dr. Hope's How to Recession Proof Your Life, which will help you maintain a happy life no matter what challenges you face. Timeless, uplifting and inspiring classics: Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich; James Allen's As a Man Thinketh and Wallace Wattle's The Science of Getting Rich. Just click on the title.
Doodlesnips is all about helping you save money when you travel: Here's a site that gives you a 110% guarantee to be the lowest price you can get on the web when you book air and a hotel. Click here: Travel Deals
Doodlesnips is all about helping you find work: We offer you Job Listings from employers looking for help now.
Doodlesnips is all about helping you stay healthy: Health Naturally is a series of articles that will show you the best natural and easy ways to get to your proper weight and to keep your body fit and feeling good.
Doodlesnips is all about helping you ignite and awaken the entrepreneurial spirit that lies in all of us: Money Links introduces you to unique ways of making a buck, find one that fits you and go for it!
We also have a section called Best Books to inspire, teach, and entertain; Blogs and a Forum where you can express and exchange ideas to help others and yourself. Yep, all that in one little site with a goofy name. Enjoy!
This Month's Favorite Video
Who knew that Will Smith was so in tune with the Universe? But then, look at his success.
Last Month's Favorite Video
No matter where you are in life there's always someone in a worse predicament than you. If we help those less fortunate than ourselves it actually helps us through tough times. Our featured author, Tim 'Dr. Hope' Anders, has started an 'Act of Kindness' contest to teach kids that the gift of giving is far greater than the gift of receiving. Check out his video, 'Laughing Day.'
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