Health Naturally!

Tips for Living a Healthy Way of Life 

  by Marti Avila


Hello and Welcome,

    Let me start out with that I am not a nutritionist, doctor, naturopath, or any other formally trained expert. I am just a woman that has studied and practiced what makes a healthy, slender, happy body. I’ve made myself healthy and I’ve helped lots of other people find the path to do the same. Some of whom had serious illnesses, like terminal cancer and others who just wanted to lose weight and get on a healthier life style. And there were those who just wanted to lose their ‘Menopause Belly’ and others who simply wanted to sleep better.

    My dream is to help people by having an open forum where anyone can write in and share what has helped them get or stay in a healthy state, in every aspect of their life. In the past I’ve had health and weight problems that I have conquered and I’m still fine tuning my wellness. I’m a tall woman, 6’, but when I was just 19 years old I had a serious weight problem, I ballooned up to over 250 lbs. This is when I realized that I must take responsibility for my weight and my health. In a little over a year I went from that weight down to 130 lbs. and have stayed between 130 lbs. and 145 lbs. for over 30 years while enjoying exceptionally good health.

    I believe that everyone should be in charge of and responsible for their own health. No one knows your body, your aches, pains and changes better than you. We are living in a great time where you can get your own blood tests (without a doctor’s ‘permission’), buy your own herbal supplements and obtain your own organic fruits and vegetables. All you need is the knowledge and education to know what is right for your particular body and circumstance.

     We will be discussing here what I call, “The Components of Good Health.” Each of these components will be discussed on my blog and in the Doodlesnips’ Forum. Just go over to the right and click on the component that you would like to learn more about or you can go directly to the forum and start your own topic of discussion. Thanks for coming to Doodlesnips and reading my ‘Health Naturally’ page. Have a healthy day!
